My thanks to the Committee of the City of Birmingham Championship Show for the appointment
and to exhibitors for bringing me such a quality entry. I found some very promising young hounds
but both my Veterans show that one must not be too hasty in ending the show careers of our slow maturing breed.
As expected I found temperaments were excellent and exhibitors should not worry if their young
hounds will not stand like statues in the ring.
VD (1)
1. Baumann’s Multi Ch Regalflight Tarloch. I gave this dog a CC two years ago and although he is beginning to show his age he was still one of the easiest movers on the day, moving with a long springy stride. Pleasant head with dark eye and well carried ears. Well balanced angulation, good bone and well developed muscle.
PD (2 – 1Abs)
1. Grimshaw’s Greyflax Diamond Joe At Jamalison. Very happy and well built young dog.
Pleasing head with dark eye and well set ears, well balanced angulation, good bone and
reasonable depth of chest. Well ribbed back with good top and underline. Presented in good
coat he moved well in profile but needs to settle coming and going. Very promising young
JD (5 – 1Abs)
1. Peach’s Kilbourne Shrike. Well developed youngster with good bone and muscle. Ample depth and width of ribcage, and well balanced angulation front and rear. Pleasant head set on strong neck although I would prefer a darker eye. Stands on good feet he moves well in profile and is sound and true.
2. Faircloth’s Beardswood Uther. Very close between 1 & 2. Not quite as mature as 1 this dog has a typical head and expression with dark eyes and well carried ears, good straight bone, well sprung rib cage and very well muscled rear quarters. Topline better than 1 but movement not as easy as 1 in profile. Presented in good coat.
3. Janson’s Nixophel Carnelian Red
PGD (3)
1. Peach’s Tiobraid Solo Venture To Kilbourne. Well balanced dog with ample depth and width throughout. Pleasant head with the darkest of eyes, well laid shoulder and good forechest.Good length of back and loin, well let down hock and good bend of stifle. Moved well in, profile , sound and true.
2. Smith’s Hyndsight Timespace At Julam. Good workmanlike dog with pleasant head, strong
neck and balanced angulation. Well boned with good spring of rib and well muscled rear
quarters. Presented in good harsh coat, but he did not move as freely as 1.
3. Samways’ Erpingham Magnus Cassacre
LD (2)
1. Peach’s Kilbourne Lloyd. Really well built dog with good bone and ample width and depth
throughout. Balanced angulation front and rear with good well developed muscle he has a
well balanced outline. He has a good top and underline and was presented in close harsh
coat. Movement very easy in profile and true coming and going. CC
2. Baumann & Lucas Packway Loxley Norton. A well built dog with good bone throughout with
pleasing head and typical expression. Well laid shoulder and balanced rear angulation, good
length of leg. Movement sound and true but not moving as well in profile as 1.
OD (3 - 1Abs)
1. Constantine’s Kaleginy The Forester Sh.CM. Well built dog with good bone and strong muscle tone. Standing on neat feet with good straight bone he presents a pleasing
outline. Pleasant head with good strong neck. Ample depth and width throughout with strong rear quarters. Moves very easily with good reach and drive. Presented in good coat. RCC
2. Grimshaw’s Greyflax The Jazz Singer To Jamalison. Presenting a very pleasing outline he has a typical head and masculine expression. Well balanced angulation, ample depth and width
throughout with well muscled rear quarters. Movement not quite as positive as 1. Presented
in good coat.
GCD (1)
1. Metselaar-Williams Kaleginy Eldrigg At Grendel. Very raw young dog with pleasant head and good length of neck. Well ribbed back and strong loin, he still needs to develop, drop and
widen. Well muscled rear quarters and balanced angulation. Movement good in profile
but could be better coming and going. Presented in good coat,
VB (1)
1. Helps Beardswood Quintessence. Typical feminine head and expression set on strong elegant neck. Good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, with well developed muscle both front and rear. Good topline which she keeps on the move, matched to good underline and tuck up which gives her such a pleasing outline. So well balanced and elegant she moves with such ease and so true coming and going. Presented in good coat I had no hesitation in awarding her CC & BOB and was delighted she won a strong Veteran Group.
PB (4 – 2Abs)
1. Grimshaw’s Greyflax Ruby At Jamalison. Lovely youngster really enjoying her first show.
Very feminine head and soft expression with well carried neat ears. Nicely balanced
angulation, good spring and length of ribcage. Low set hocks and bend of stifle she stands on good feet. Presented in good coat she moved happily round the ring, but when she did get into her stride it was easy and sound. BP.
2. Bailey’s Greyflax Pearls A Singer. Litter sister to 1 and a little longer cast which I thought made her look not quite as balanced as 1 at the moment. Pleasing head and expression, good lay of shoulder, well boned front legs. Not quite the rear angulation of 1
but with better muscle tone. Movement fine in profile but needs to settle coming and going. Also well presented in good coat.
JB (5 – 1Abs)
1. Peach’s Ormanstar Queen Of Hearts To Kilbourne. Typical youngster with pleasing head and expression. Well balanced angulation and ample length and depth of ribcage she has a pleasing outline, good topline and tuck up. Well muscled rear quarters with good low hocks she moves well in profile and is true coming and going.
2. Jansons Nixophel Crystal Rose. Pleasant head with dark eye, balanced angulation but not the top or underline of 1 as she is still very immature. Stands on good feet she moves soundly
but without the drive of 1.
3. Abbott & Constantine’s Kaleginy Magnolia Steel
PGB (4 – 1Abs)
1. Constantine’s Kaleginy Anthia. Typical well balanced bitch with pleasing head and ear carriage. Good straight bone, ample spring of rib and length of back. Well muscled she moves with an easy ground covering stride and is true coming and going. Presented in good harsh coat.
2. Bailey’s Greyflax Ruby Tuesday.Well built, longer cast than 1 with not the topline. Well
boned and in good muscular condition she stands on good feet and has ample depth and width throughout. Moved well in profile but a little close behind.
3. Wilce Quinton & Quinton’s Kilbourne Marie Claire At Kirjojax
LB (1)
1. Morton & M0rgan’s Chuilinn Ballad. Pleasant head and expression, balanced angulation,
rather heavily built she has well muscled rear quarters, and stands on good feet with
low set hocks. Presented in close harsh coat she moved soundly.
OB (4 – 2Abs)
1. Bailey’s Ch Greyflax Lady Sings The Blu’s. Typical quality bitch presented in good coat.
Feminine head and expression with well carried ears set on strong neck with balanced angulation front and rear. Stands on good feet and with good straight bone and ample depth and width of ribcage. Presented in good coat her movement is sound and true and very easy in profile. RCC
2. Morton, Morgan & Constantine’s Cotherstone Islay Mist at Kaleginy. More substantial than 1, she has good bone, well ribbed back with ample depth of chest but rather flat topline. Balanced angulation with well muscled rear quarters her movement was not as good as 1 in profile but true coming and going.
Keith Pursglove (Judge)